
20 July 2012

Mental Disorder

Mental disorders make up for a tenth of the diseases in the world. While some mental disorders, albeit life-altering, are quite common, these are definitely not.(Click on sub title for more)

Stockholm Syndrome
This disorder is often seen among those who have been abducted in the past. The hostage begins to feel sympathy, compliance as well as loyalty with the person who has kidnapped him. The risk does not matter and the hostage may also refuse to testify again him.

Lime Syndrome
This mental disorder is seen amongst the hostage takers wherein they become in tune with the needs of those who they have kidnapped. They become emotionally attached to them and end up releasing them quite quickly.

Diogenes Syndrome
This mental disorder is associated with a Greek philosopher who decided to live like an animal. Therefore, those who suffer from this disorder resign themselves to a life characterized by unusual and reclusive tendencies; a type of hoarding that is compulsive and self neglect. Diogenes Syndrome is associated with such senior citizens that are slightly senile.

Paris Syndrome
This mental disorder is very common among those Japanese tourists who become anxious in Paris and have severe mental meltdowns. Even though it is quite rare, the experience can be quite harrowing for those who suffer from it. These polite tourists suffer from a major culture shock as they cannot understand why the city is nothing like it is portrayed in the movies.

Stendhal Syndrome
Those who suffer from this mental disorder find it difficult to stand before beautiful artwork. They are instantly anxious, confused and dizzy. Some may even hallucinate if they see ‘too much art’ in one place. This term is also used to describe that condition which is associated with people who experience the same symptoms after being exposed to natural beauty.

Jerusalem Syndrome
Those who suffer from this mental disorder feel compelled to visit Jerusalem. They have such ideas that are religious and obsessive at the same time and are laced with delusions as well. This disorder is not exclusive to a single denomination and is known to affect Christians and Jews that belong to diverse backgrounds. It may even strike those who have visited Jerusalem and were completely normal before entering the city.

Capgras Delusion
This is a rare disorder and those suffering from it believe that either an acquaintance, family member or spouse has gone missing and an imposter who looks exactly like the person has taken his place. Capgras Delusion is common among those who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or those who are recovering from brain surgery.

Fregoli Delusion
This disorder is the opposite of the above mentioned disorder and those who suffer from it feel that different people they meet are not different but in fact that same person. The patient believes that this one person continuously changes his appearance.

Cotard Delusion
This disorder is quite rare and those who suffer from it believe themselves to be dead. They are sure that they do not exist and that their veins run dry. Some may even think that they are immortal.

Reduplicative Paramnesia
Those who suffer from Reduplicative Paramnesia believe that a particular area, location or place is either duplicated or has the ability to exist in more than two places at the same time. They may also believe that that one site has been shifted to another location. For example, a patient who is standing in a restaurant will convince himself that he is in fact at a another restaurant which is located in some other part of the country.

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