
20 April 2011

Dato' Sri Ong Tee Kee response to Chua Soi Lek's nonsensical allegations

By Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat
Though Chua Soi Lek (CSL)’s statement on my alleged insistence of staying in federal Cabinet after the 2008 electoral setback faced by MCA should rightfully be disdained in view of its factual flaws, the despicable intention of spreading lies on-line should in no way be connived without setting the record straight.

Perhaps CSL has been overly obsessed with his prejudice against my political presence till today that he has erroneously attributed the decision of MCA to stay in Cabinet after the said setback to my alleged insistence when I was then NOT the Party President. (Note: Ong Ka Ting was then still the President till 18-10-2008)

In early April 2009 when Dato’ Sri Najib Abdul Razak took over the premiership, I was consulted in my capacity as the then Party President on the choice of MCA nominees to the Cabinet. The question of opting out the Cabinet line-up had never arisen as the Presidential Council, of which CSL was a member by virtue of his position as the Deputy President, had unanimously mandated me to handle the matter with the new Prime Minister. At that material time, nobody, including CSL, had ever raised the issue of staying out of the Cabinet.

Given the benefits of hindsight, had CSL been serious with his purported claim of staying out of the Cabinet in face of the plummeting ethnic Chinese representation in the 2008 poll, he could have done so after he took over the MCA Presidency on 28-3-2010. But instead, he had his own son, Tee Yong (MP for Labis) in the Cabinet line-up when Dato Sri Najib announced the Cabinet reshuffle on 1-6-2010.

On the other hand, CSL who had earlier vowed not to lobby for any government posts, however paradoxically chose to renege his words  when he happily accepted the government portfolio appointments as the Penang Port Commission Chairman and later a member of the Economic Council headed by the Prime Minister.

Similarly, CSL could have reversed any earlier decision by bringing MCA out from the Perak State government if he were truly committed to what he advised SUPP, instead of resorting to finger-pointing. He has no excuse to be evasive as he has been helming the Perak MCA for the past one year.

I have no intention to pick a quarrel with such a character as there are many more meaningful things to do in serving the people, especially my Pandan electorate. Actions speak louder than fabricated lies deliberately dispensed with for political assassination.

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