
19 February 2011

“The 8 Qualities Of A Heartful Man”

By Chris Cade

Humble: A Heartful Man sets his ego aside for the higher good. His heart lights up with joy and wonder when he witnesses (and especially helps) other people experience success. A Heartful Man admits when he is wrong and does whatever knows is right to make amends. He is also capable of remaining quiet when he is right, knowing that sometimes the right thing to do is let others be themselves without trying to change anything. A Heartful Man’s image is not his priority; his heart is.
Engaging: He looks out upon the world and asks, “How can I give myself fully to this moment?” Each opportunity to engage, for a Heartful Man, is an opportunity to express and experience his innately positive disposition.
Authentic: The Heartful Man does not have to ask if what he is doing is right or True; he lives in integrity with his values. Other people may not always agree with what a heartful man does or says, yet they will all agree that he is who he says he is. Others can take a Heartful Man at face value, and he has peace in his heart knowing that his inner world is congruent with the way he lives his life.
Respectful: A Heartful Man is always conscious about honouring people for who they really are... including himself.
Truthful: He inquires heartfully into his experiences and has an internal drive to understand the True Nature of all things, himself included. The Heartful Man is on a neverending pursuit to illuminate his inner world, to know himself fully, and to let go of all aspects of himself that are not his True Nature.
Faithful: To a heartful man, faith is not about belief; it's about embracing wonder and mystery. The Heartful Man has faith that all happens for a reason. Even when he doesn’t know what the immediate reason is, the Heartful Man knows that the True reason is that everything happens for the highest good.
Understanding: Understanding is the integration that arises from a Heartful Man’s direct experience. He does not preach what is or should be, but rather, only shares what he has discovered to be True in his own experience. His intention in sharing is not to change the other, only to offer them himself and his insights in ways that enable others to come to their own understandings about themselves.
Loving: This is the foundation of a Heartful Man’s experience: he is an expression of love, as manifested through the physical body. Regardless of the external circumstances of his life, he loves his life and he lives his love. When faced with a challenge, the Heartful Man’s actions are guided by a single principle:
“What would love do?”

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