
15 January 2011

Guess who's going to bail out PKA?

Jan 14, 11 9:51am

'The Humpty Dumpty of PKFZ has been knocked off its perch. Now all the Soi Leks and Najibs cannot put in back together again.'

SusahKes: Port Klang Authority (PKA) chairperson Lee Hwa Beng, may we - the taxpayers of Malaysia - ask you a down to earth, honest to goodness, question?

After all this revelation, and all the white elephants and bailouts that you and I have witnessed from the Mahathir years to now, do you and MCA, still want Umno to govern this nation?

At which point do you, MCA chief Chua Soi Lek and Co, develop some modicum of conscience and guilt, that Umno has played everyone out in this country (other than their own kind)?

Titan: Come on rakyat, we need to make the government and PM Najib Razak more accountable, not less. Former transport minister Ong Tee Keat (OTK) had strenuously attempted to do that, but he was hung out to dry.

The Humpty Dumpty of PKFZ (Port Klang Free Zone) has been knocked off its perch by the OTK's insistence of an independent inquiry into the sordid affairs of PKFZ. Now all the Soi Leks and Najibs cannot put in back together again.

Anonymous_4196: What? And yet Najib wants to build a 100-storey tower in order to attract investors? Didn't BN sang the same song when pitching the idea of PKFZ in 2001?

Lover Boy: Any reasonable Malaysian knows that PKFZ will be bankrupt due to the magnitude of its debt. What Lee Hwa Beng is saying is nothing new.

What I want to know is when will the government go after the real culprits, charging some small fries like former PKA general manager OC Phang and former MCA chief Ling Liong Sik will not pacify Malaysians. This leakage is not small - it is so big that nothing man-made can cover this hole.

MACC, please go after the bigger fish. Use PricewaterhouseCooper audit report as a guide.

ForJustice: Okay, so now who's going to bail them out? The government again? If yes, this means we taxpayers are paying for it. I think all those involved from the government ministers approving this project down to the company's officers must be held accountable, and pay for it.

Tailek: No report will come out from the super task force, not even long after chief secretary to the government Mohd Sidek Hassan has retired. I would not be surprised that no one in government is even looking into this matter anymore.

That is Malaysia Boleh for you. Every form of financial corruption and sex scandal is permissible and excusable so long as you are in the right camp, and that camp is the BN camp. This apathy is so sickening it makes you want to weep for Malaysia.

Longjaafar: Is this the kind of 'good management' of the country's economy that we hear so much about? Maybe they need to hire another set of CONsultants to look into this.

Ghkok: Every sen being used to bailout PKFZ is one sen less for improving transportation, policing, education, programmes for the poor and needy, etc. Every additional sen used for bailout brings us closer and closer to the 2019 bankruptcy date as stated by Pemandu chief Idris Jala.

Clearwater: Numerous BN politicians involved in this fraudulent white elephant have still not been charged in court. That is the most galling part of the PKFZ scandal. No accountability, no responsibility, no transparency, no morality. That about sums it up. On this fiasco alone, BN deserves to lose power in the next general election.

Michael Angelo: I read that in China, corrupt officials responsible for fiasco of such magnitude will have to pay for the bullet used to execute them after they are found guilty. And their body parts and organs donated to needy transplants.

Considering the wastage of RM12 billion of public money, perhaps this form of penalty can be considered.

Enviroman: The federal government must not bail out PKFZ. Let it go bankrupt. Federal funds are our funds, our taxpayers' money. Don't let our funds be put to questionable use. Malaysians must protest to pressure them into not bailing out PKFZ. Who will start the ball rolling?

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