
06 November 2010

Facts about “CO2 emission”

May 11th, 2009 | Posted in Energy Efficiency - news
Facts & figures about CO2 emission

Generally, the car manufacturers give the “CO2 emission” in g/km.
Other interesting figures to know is the quantity of CO2 produced per litre of fuel:
- for diesel:        2.62 kg/litre
- for gasoline:    2.39 kg/litre.

So every time you put 50 litres (or 13 gallons) in your tank, you are going to produce around 125kg of CO2.

Amazing, isn’t it?

For heating purposes, the relevant figure is the quantity of CO2 emitted per kWh of energy produced. Here are the figures for different heating sources, in kg of CO2 per kWh:
- Natural gas:    0.19
- Fuel oil:          0.27
- Coal:              0.32
- Electricity:      from 0.08 to 0.8 (0.4 is the European Union average)

By far, natural gas is the “greener” fossil fuel. Electricity is even better where it is mainly produced by hydro or nuclear power plants.

Jacques Schonek

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