
06 September 2010

Namewee versus Siti....

By Dato' Ti Lian Ker
Monday, September 6, 2010

Malaysians are heading towards troubled waters. Talking about conspiracy, sometimes I wondered whether there's a great conspiracy to bring the pillars of our racial harmony and unity down!

It all started with the Hindraf movement when Malaysians by and large dismissed the racial intent and content of the movement that borders on ridicule and mocking reality. However it was Pak Lah's government mistake to underestimate this movement. Like any racial or extremist movements, they have their appeals and sympathies from their community!

The decision to imposed the ISA and muscles on Hindraf who seems to be a loose ad hoc organization was a mistake and had provoked the Indian communities feelings, emotions and sentiments. Despite Malaysians in general live in harmony but the racial sentiment and feeling is still real and present in our psyche.

Pak Lah's administration miscalculated the potential damage and impact that Hindraf has on Malaysian politics by the sheer assumption that their numbers are small and their command is minimal. The arrogant or perceived bullying by the powers under Umno had stirred and provoked the latent dissatisfaction of the minority communities on perceived "discriminations" or "Ill treatment" by the authorities over the minorities. The sympathy for the underdog is a very powerful feeling more so in a communal based nation that had swept racial/communal dissatisfaction under the carpet in the name of racial/religious sensitivities.

The GE12 had shown the undoing and mistake of the insensitivity and arrogance of the perceived Umno led BN. The Indians as a community were angry and together they had brought down BN's traditional two third majority fortress.

The tsunami sparked off by Hindraf has brought about an immediate change on the local political landscape whereby there was a sudden surge of racial sentiment and dissatisfaction. In the past many issues were swept under the carpet or dismissed in the name of racial tolerance. Suddenly there was blatant display of racial angst pent-up in the past decades post May 13.

BN specifically Umno, Mca and Mic were blamed for all the past 50 odd years mistakes and errors that was politically correct back then but could not be accepted or digested by the new generation of voters. Suddenly, it is in to be colorless and race based arguments or justifications are out of sync with the times.

Post GE 12, we saw the advent of Perkasa playing the racial card to the hilt. As the saying goes, extremism begets extremism. The Prime Minister DS Najib Razak's attempt tp walk the talk of 1 Malaysia saw great resistance from within as well as right wing extremist. Suddenly all the political polemics and vocabulary such as KETUANAN,I AM MALAY FIRST, PENDATANG , BALIK CINA etc became politically incorrect,offensive and intolerable. The 70s 80s or 90s political posturing to win support from within the party is no longer the sole monopoly of the party.

The electorates spurred by the media have taken an aggressive offensive stance against any racial colored arguments or stance. The decades of injustices or perceived suppressions of the minorities by the majorities have received positive media attention and support. Sensing the change in the political terrain and the chance of a lifetime to demonize Umno for all the racial/religious policies that was prompted and advocated by PAS in the past, even PAS posture to be non-racial as a matter of political convenience. PAS was suddenly transformed into a rational reasonable political party that is in direct contrast and contrary to their actual composition and representation. Individuals who are more liberal and Erdorgans in the likes of Khalid Samad have been bandied in the churches etc to show the rose among the thorns in PAS. Suddenly, the extremist in the likes of Hadi Awang took a back seat and only confine his public posturing to hugging Lim Kit Siang etc.

Now we have another media orchestrated or supported racial taunting in the tussle of who is more extreme between a Siti headmistress and
a Namewee....the political chips is getting higher as the racial disharmony have now been focussed on the two dominant race in the country. Hindraf who had realized their folly of playing a racially charged game that saw the Indians losing more than gaining is now taking a back seat....

Some Ah Bengs are charging forward into the political arena with brutish temper and muscles. What will be the end game? Are we falling into a political trap? Are we being lead for an ultimate political slaughter? Will PAS emerged the ultimate victor?

Only time will tell....real politics is not cyber politics! The window worldview of cyber politics may not be what it seems on earth!
Posted by Ti Lian Ker at 8:21 PM 


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