
15 September 2010

Breast Enhancement Options:

Breast Enhancement Options: The Six Things You Should Know about Breast Enlargement

Many women and most glamour models consider some form of breast enlargement. This is because models depend on the shape of their bodies for their career and most women want to be more desirable to men. While it is probably true that large breasts are desired by most model agencies, it is not true that large breasts are desired by all men. In fact, several surveys have shown that the majority of men prefer medium sized breasts, or have no preference about breast size. Still, for many women and particularly for models, the thought of larger breast size is very appealing. Once you have decided on some sort of breast enlargement, it is suggested to understand your options. This article will detail many options in non-technical language that is easy to read and understand. At the end of the article, we will introduce you to an excellent tool to help you to continue your research.

1. Breast Implants are Still the Most Effective
Breast implants are the most effective form of breast enlargement. They will certainly grow your breast size but they are not without their risks. Since 1962, an estimated 2 to 3 million women have undergone breast implant surgery, most of them in the US. In the USA, until recently the only implants available were the type that is filled with saline (salt water), while the outside wall of the implant is made of silicone. However, in 2006, the US regulatory agency FDA allowed companies to sell silicone filled breast implants. These breast implants not only have walls made of silicone, the inside fluid is silicone as well.

Silicone filled implants received a very negative image in the 1980s and 1990s because of reports of leakage or rupture lead to immune system damage. In fact it was determined that over half of all implants leaked or ruptured over time.  In 1992 the FDA banned the sale of silicone filled breast implants in the USA due to the perceived risks from rupture or leakage of silicone fluid into the body, but allowed the sale of saline filled breast implants because if there is leakage or rupture and salt water is released in the body, there are no negative effects.

While silicone filled implants are ‘new’ in the USA, in other areas of the world, such as Europe, where silicone implants were not removed from the market, they are by far more popular than saline filled implants. The reason is that silicone filled implants have a more natural look and feel than saline. Women and doctors are apparently prepared to assume the higher risk for the improved results.

But implant rupture is an ongoing reality and the risk of rupture increases with the age of the implant. A conservative estimate is that over 1% of silicone filled implants will rupture after 3 years, and 5-15% after 10 years. But in reality the risk of rupture may be much higher. This means that most women who get a silicone implant must understand that they will likely face a lifetime of surgery and certainly a lifetime of MRI scans to check the implant and see if it is ruptured or leaking.

Other than being safer, saline filled implants have other advantages over silicone. They are less expensive and since they may be inserted empty and filled with saline when they are already in place, a smaller incision is required and this means a smaller scar.

Keep in mind that no matter what the implant is filled with, the outside wall is silicone. However, the risk to the body from the silicone in the wall of the implant is thought to be much less than the risk to body if the silicone in the filling is released.

2. TUBA vs TransAxillary vs Peri-peri-areolar vs Inframammary, What Is In It For You?
Ok, you have decided to go for implants. How do you want the implant to be put in place? This is an important decision, because any surgery has the risk of scaring. So, where the cut is made will determine where the scar will be. But as the cut gets further from the breast, the skill of the surgeon is more important for proper placement.  TUBA has the least likelihood of significant scarring while inframammary has the most. TUBA means that the cut is actually made in the belly button, so the risk of scaring is almost minimal. Take a look at your belly button, would anyone see a scar in there? Transaxillary means that the cut (and scar) are in the arm-pit. With Peri-areolar the cut is around the nipple and with Inframammary, the cut is where the breast meets the chest wall. While the inframammary probably has the highest risk of scarring, if your breasts hang a bit, the scar probably won’t be seen too much unless you are lying down. But the advantage is that there is probably the best chance for a proper placement of the implant because the cut is made right next to where the implant needs to go. With saline filled implants,an empty implant is squeezed through the smallest hole possible and filled with salt water after it is in place. This is done so that the scar will be as small as possible. Most likely, if you select silicone implants the surgeon will use inframmamary placement. The reason is that most silicone implants are pre-filled and too big to pass through a small hole in the belly button or arm-pit and moved to the right location. As a result, the risk of visible scarring with silicone implants will be likely be bigger.

Other Issues
Besides the type of implant and the placement of the scar, there are other issues to consider.
  • Implant size (is bigger better?)
  • Implant placement (behind or in-front of the chest muscles).
  • Implant shape (round, tear drop, etc)
  • Smooth vs textured
We won’t go into these issues here, but it is recommended that you consider them before making your final decisions.

3. Getting the Right Doctor is Most Important For Success
Probably the most important thing you can do is choose an experienced plastic surgeon. Every surgeon has to have his or her first patient in a new procedure and you do not want that patient to be you. Believe it or not, in some US states and in many countries, any physician can practice plastic surgery, without having formal training in plastic surgery. By all means make certain that your physician is trained and qualified to conduct plastic surgery. How can you check on a surgeon’s credentials? If you are in the USA, you can do a free search on the . All of the surgeons in their data base are board certified plastic surgeons. A similar service is offered by American Board of Medical Specialties. ( ). Most states have a website where you can get information about physicians. Finally, you can pay for a physician credential verification organization such as to do a search for you. They will not only check credentials, but let you know if the physician is in good standing or has been sued. But also, don’t be afraid to ask questions of your doctor. You can ask them about their qualifications, where they trained, what kind of ongoing training they do, and how often have they performed the procedure that they will do on you. Go to the first meeting together with a friend and ask your friend to take notes. The physician will most likely be honest with you, if for no other reason then your friend and your notes will be very powerful in case there is a serious problem and legal dispute. You might consider having such a meeting with two or three surgeons before selecting the one to operate on you. Before making your appointment, ask if there is a fee for the initial consultation.

4. Breast Enhancing Creams and Pills, a Gamble at Best
Unlike pharmaceuticals and implants which are highly regulated, the sale of herbal creams and pills is not regulated. This means that there is no evidence to show that these work. The companies that sell them often show you nice photos and make claims to encourage you to buy their products, and there are often people who will tell you that they work. But the truth is that there is no firm evidence to support these claims. If you decide to try breast enhancing creams or pills you may be spending your money for nothing.

5. Brava System, An Alternative to the Knife?
This is a medical device that fits over the breasts and applies continual suction. Apparently this system does, minimally, increase breast size. But the device must be put in place for 10 hours every day, for at 10 weeks. According to many women it is very uncomfortable. Some wearers report feeling that someone is ripping their breasts off all day long. The costs are quite high and the results may not be worth the costs. But if you are intent on seeing some quick breast enlargement without surgery, this might be an option to consider.

6. Exercise; The Place to Start
The breasts sit on top of the chest (pectoral) muscles. If these muscles get strong and grow, the fatty tissue in the breast will stick out more giving you a larger breast size. One effective way to increase your breast size (and shape) is to dedicate yourself to an intensive program of chest development exercises. But every woman is different in terms of how responsive her muscles are to exercise. This will work, but it takes hard work and determination. You will not see the instant growth like you will with implants. On the other hand there is little cost; few risks and you will not have to undergo MRI scans and surgery for the rest of your life. This is controversial and some will dispute it. But if you do increase your chest muscle size, without decreasing your body fat, your overall breast dimension should expand.  Consider this option first.

This article was written in non-technical, easy to understand language to help women to begin collecting information. But use this information as a starter. Keep reading and collecting information; get other opinions before making any decisions. To help you in your research, we have developed a search engine especially focused on the subject of Breast Enlargement and Breast Enhancement, called simply “Breast Implant”. Many of the websites will have excellent information that will go into more detail than you have seen here. While we can not promise that all the information that you will find here will be useful, this search engine will help you to find the information you need.

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