
28 August 2010

Save Abandoned Babies, Please!

by Ong Tee Keat on Saturday, August 28, 2010 at 12:01am

“Are you sure you want to spearhead the intervention program for saving abandoned babies?” exclaimed one of my NGO partners who brainstormed with me on the subject matter two weeks ago.Prickly as the issue may be, this is nothing new to me. Time and again, initiatives that seek to provide proper hutches for abandoned babies never fail to raise eyebrows.

There are the critics who seemed to be more concerned, if not obsessed with the misguided moral dogma that baby hutches promote baby dumping, and worse, irresponsible and promiscuous relationships. They can’t be further off the mark. But they fail to address a simple fact.

The babies have been brought into our world, and our conscience is equally pricked when we read and hear of frequent and indiscriminate dumping of unwanted babies. The lives of innocent newborn cannot tragically end just like that!

After mulling over the issue for a while, I have decided to act in my capacity as the member of parliament by spearheading the ‘Life Saving Program For Abandoned Babies’. The name itself is self-explanatory.

We have formed a coalition of NGOs comprising no less than 5 NGOs to spark and push for social intervention and to carry the message to the community that “we ought to respect the sanctity and dignity of lives”.

Awareness may be an answer but we simply cannot just wait for our society to somehow be miraculously enlightened and rid itself of such social ills overnight, whilst we continue to grapple with rising statistics of newborn deaths. Whilst they may be very young, even a day old, these babies deserve equal concern and respect.

They have a right to live, and the principle of the sanctity of life should be taken seriously, and cannot be ignored just like that. More than that, once they are brought into this world, which we share as a fellow human person, they deserve the same amount of respect and dignity to enjoy the same opportunities that life presents to them.

These cannot be denied and wantonly ignored, and we risk doing it if we continue to allow the lives of newborn babies to be in the hands of their already stressed, unprepared and unwilling parents, or worse, our self-professed moral guardians.I am glad to have taken a positive step forward in favour of the dignity of life.

For a start, 8 to 10 venues within and outside my constituency, Pandan have been identified as possible locations for baby-hutches. We understand and respect the fact that some if not many may prefer to remain anonymous.

Therefore, these individuals can be assured that their identities will not be exposed as the hutches are free from hidden cameras. Our aim is not to witch-hunt the parents, but to protect the lives of their newborn babies who deserve a shot at life and the opportunities it brings.

We will announce the exact location of these hutches soon.The babies received at the hutches will be handed over to the Welfare Department officials through proper procedures. I am heartened by the warm support from my NGO friends. This intervention program is one of the social caring initiatives for children protection which ranks on top of my agenda for the people, especially those from my constituency, Pandan.

It may be true that charity begins at home but, localities outside Pandan are also given due consideration as well. We plan to spread our wings further and wider. Issues concerning the principle of the sanctity of life and respect to life are universal, and everyone is entitled to such rights, regardless of whether they are constituents of Pandan or not.

Something must be done on the issue of baby dumping and it must be done now. I would prefer to give this initiative a try rather than to engage in endless and pointless polemics shrouded with hypocrisy. I am grateful to my dedicated and expanding team of community leaders and social activists who share my conviction to save lives of abandoned babies, in the name of upholding a basic human right to live and to dignity.

I am sure that right minded Malaysians who are known to be caring and loving will support our effort as the infinite value and respect of a human life cannot be wantonly sacrified at the altar of narrow moral dogma.

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