
07 August 2010

It is time to reclaim the true 1Malaysia spirit that we once shared

Saturday August 7, 2010

It is time to reclaim the true 1Malaysia spirit that we once shared

I REFER to the letter “Residents live up to the Merdeka spirit” (The Star, Aug 6).
Like the residents of Taman Sri Maharani, I too have been celebrating the spirit of Merdeka by hoisting the Malaysian flag in my garden for the past four to five years.

I just did it out of my own free will and for the love of my country.

Over the years, I have noticed a few of my neighbours have followed suit by flying the flag in front of their homes.

Malaysia is the country of my birth and this is the only place I know and I will eventually die here too.
So I will let no half-baked politician out there call me a “pendatang”.
I have every right to be here just as any other true-blue Malaysian!
During my youth, we were already practising 1Malaysia.

This was when we mingled freely with people of different races and religions without thinking anyone was more special than the other.
In fact, there was more harmony and respect shown towards one another then, as compared to now.


"As a result of several flawed government policies over the years initiated by racists and bigots masquerading as politicians, some now view the others with a tinge of suspicion and distrust. It is a fact clearly being admitted by the government of the day otherwise why all the crabby tagline on 1Malaysia over the airwaves "that 1Malaysia isn't a dream, it was what we were and can be again?"


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