
10 October 2012

Child Abuse and Neglect

Recognizing and Preventing Child Abuse

Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lasting scars. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal and break the cycle—rather than perpetuating it. By learning about common signs of abuse and what you can do to intervene, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life.
In This Article:
  • Understanding child abuse
  • Effects of child abuse
  • Types of child abuse
Child abuse is more than bruises or broken bones. While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm.

Myths and facts about child abuse and neglect

MYTH #1: It's only abuse if it's violent.

Fact: Physical abuse is just one type of child abuse. Neglect and emotional abuse can be just as damaging, and since they are more subtle, others are less likely to intervene.

MYTH #2: Only bad people abuse their children.

Fact: While it's easy to say that only "bad people" abuse their children, it's not always so black and white. Not all abusers are intentionally harming their children. Many have been victims of abuse themselves, and don’t know any other way to parent. Others may be struggling with mental health issues or a substance abuse problem.

MYTH #3: Child abuse doesn't happen in “good” families.

Fact: Child abuse doesn't only happen in poor families or bad neighborhoods. It crosses all racial, economic, and cultural lines. Sometimes, families who seem to have it all from the outside are hiding a different story behind closed doors.

MYTH #4: Most child abusers are strangers.

Fact: While abuse by strangers does happen, most abusers are family members or others close to the family.

MYTH #5: Abused children always grow up to be abusers.

Fact: It is true that abused children are more likely to repeat the cycle as adults, unconsciously repeating what they experienced as children. On the other hand, many adult survivors of child abuse have a strong motivation to protect their children against what they went through and become excellent parents.
Effects of child abuse and neglect

All types of child abuse and neglect leave lasting scars. Some of these scars might be physical, but emotional scarring has long lasting effects throughout life, damaging a child’s sense of self, ability to have healthy relationships, and ability to function at home, at work and at school. Some effects include:

Lack of trust and relationship difficulties. If you can’t trust your parents, who can you trust? Abuse by a primary caregiver damages the most fundamental relationship as a child—that you will safely, reliably get your physical and emotional needs met by the person who is responsible for your care. Without this base, it is very difficult to learn to trust people or know who is trustworthy. This can lead to difficulty maintaining relationships due to fear of being controlled or abused. It can also lead to unhealthy relationships because the adult doesn’t know what a good relationship is.

Core feelings of being “worthless” or “damaged.” If you’ve been told over and over again as a child that you are stupid or no good, it is very difficult to overcome these core feelings. You may experience them as reality. Adults may not strive for more education, or settle for a job that may not pay enough, because they don’t believe they can do it or are worth more. Sexual abuse survivors, with the stigma and shame surrounding the abuse, often especially struggle with a feeling of being damaged.

Trouble regulating emotions. Abused children cannot express emotions safely. As a result, the emotions get stuffed down, coming out in unexpected ways. Adult survivors of child abuse can struggle with unexplained anxiety, depression, or anger. They may turn to alcohol or drugs to numb out the painful feelings.

Types of child abuse
There are several types of child abuse, but the core element that ties them together is the emotional effect on the child. Children need predictability, structure, clear boundaries, and the knowledge that their parents are looking out for their safety. Abused children cannot predict how their parents will act. Their world is an unpredictable, frightening place with no rules. Whether the abuse is a slap, a harsh comment, stony silence, or not knowing if there will be dinner on the table tonight, the end result is a child that feel unsafe, uncared for, and alone.
Emotional child abuse

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me? Contrary to this old saying, emotional abuse can severely damage a child’s mental health or social development, leaving lifelong psychological scars. Examples of emotional child abuse include:
  • Constant belittling, shaming, and humiliating a child.
  • Calling names and making negative comparisons to others.
  • Telling a child he or she is “no good," "worthless," "bad," or "a mistake."
  • Frequent yelling, threatening, or bullying.
  • Ignoring or rejecting a child as punishment, giving him or her the silent treatment.
  • Limited physical contact with the child—no hugs, kisses, or other signs of affection.
  • Exposing the child to violence or the abuse of others, whether it be the abuse of a parent, a sibling, or even a pet.
Child neglect

Child neglect—a very common type of child abuse—is a pattern of failing to provide for a child's basic needs, whether it be adequate food, clothing, hygiene, or supervision. Child neglect is not always easy to spot. Sometimes, a parent might become physically or mentally unable to care for a child, such as with a serious injury, untreated depression, or anxiety. Other times, alcohol or drug abuse may seriously impair judgment and the ability to keep a child safe.

Older children might not show outward signs of neglect, becoming used to presenting a competent face to the outside world, and even taking on the role of the parent. But at the end of the day, neglected children are not getting their physical and emotional needs met.
Physical child abuse

Physical child abuse
Physical abuse involves physical harm or injury to the child. It may be the result of a deliberate attempt to hurt the child, but not always. It can also result from severe discipline, such as using a belt on a child, or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child’s age or physical condition.

Many physically abusive parents and caregivers insist that their actions are simply forms of discipline—ways to make children learn to behave. But there is a big difference between using physical punishment to discipline and physical abuse. The point of disciplining children is to teach them right from wrong, not to make them live in fear.
Physical abuse vs. Discipline

In physical abuse, unlike physical forms of discipline, the following elements are present:

Unpredictability. The child never knows what is going to set the parent off. There are no clear boundaries or rules. The child is constantly walking on eggshells, never sure what behavior will trigger a physical assault.

Lashing out in anger. Physically abusive parents act out of anger and the desire to assert control, not the motivation to lovingly teach the child. The angrier the parent, the more intense the abuse.

Using fear to control behavior. Parents who are physically abusive may believe that their children need to fear them in order to behave, so they use physical abuse to “keep their child in line.” However, what children are really learning is how to avoid being hit, not how to behave or grow as individuals.

Child sexual abuse is an especially complicated form of abuse because of its layers of guilt and shame. It's important to recognize that sexual abuse doesn't always involve body contact. Exposing a child to sexual situations or material is sexually abusive, whether or not touching is involved.

While news stories of sexual predators are scary, what is even more frightening is that sexual abuse usually occurs at the hands of someone the child knows and should be able to trust—most often close relatives. And contrary to what many believe, it’s not just girls who are at risk. Boys and girls both suffer from sexual abuse. In fact, sexual abuse of boys may be under reported due to shame and stigma.
The problem of shame and guilt in child sexual abuse

Aside from the physical damage that sexual abuse can cause, the emotional component is powerful and far-reaching. Sexually abused children are tormented by shame and guilt. They may feel that they are responsible for the abuse or somehow brought it upon themselves. This can lead to self-loathing and sexual problems as they grow older—often either excessive promiscuity or an inability to have intimate relations.

The shame of sexual abuse makes it very difficult for children to come forward. They may worry that others won’t believe them, will be angry with them, or that it will split their family apart. Because of these difficulties, false accusations of sexual abuse are not common, so if a child confides in you, take him or her seriously. Don’t turn a blind eye!

Warning signs of child abuse and neglect

Warning signs of child abuse and neglect 
The earlier child abuse is caught, the better the chance of recovery and appropriate treatment for the child. Child abuse is not always obvious. By learning some of the common warning signs of child abuse and neglect, you can catch the problem as early as possible and get both the child and the abuser the help that they need.

Of course, just because you see a warning sign doesn’t automatically mean a child is being abused. It’s important to dig deeper, looking for a pattern of abusive behavior and warning signs, if you notice something off.

Warning signs of emotional abuse in children
  • Excessively withdrawn, fearful, or anxious about doing something wrong.
  • Shows extremes in behavior (extremely compliant or extremely demanding; extremely passive or extremely aggressive).
  • Doesn’t seem to be attached to the parent or caregiver.
  • Acts either inappropriately adult (taking care of other children) or inappropriately infantile (rocking, thumb-sucking, throwing tantrums).
Warning signs of physical abuse in children
  • Frequent injuries or unexplained bruises, welts, or cuts.
  • Is always watchful and “on alert,” as if waiting for something bad to happen.
  • Injuries appear to have a pattern such as marks from a hand or belt.
  • Shies away from touch, flinches at sudden movements, or seems afraid to go home.
  • Wears inappropriate clothing to cover up injuries, such as long-sleeved shirts on hot days.
Warning signs of neglect in children
  • Clothes are ill-fitting, filthy, or inappropriate for the weather.
  • Hygiene is consistently bad (unbathed, matted and unwashed hair, noticeable body odor).
  • Untreated illnesses and physical injuries.
  • Is frequently unsupervised or left alone or allowed to play in unsafe situations and environments.
  • Is frequently late or missing from school.
Warning signs of sexual abuse in children
  • Trouble walking or sitting.
  • Displays knowledge or interest in sexual acts inappropriate to his or her age, or even seductive behavior.
  • Makes strong efforts to avoid a specific person, without an obvious reason.
  • Doesn’t want to change clothes in front of others or participate in physical activities.
  • An STD or pregnancy, especially under the age of 14.
  • Runs away from home.
Child abuse and reactive attachment disorder
Severe abuse early in life can lead to reactive attachment disorder. Children with this disorder are so disrupted that they have extreme difficulty establishing normal relationships and attaining normal developmental milestones. They need special treatment and support. Learn more
Risk factors for child abuse and neglect

While child abuse and neglect occurs in all types of families—even in those that look happy from the outside—children are at a much greater risk in certain situations.
Domestic violence. Witnessing domestic violence is terrifying to children and emotionally abusive. Even if the mother does her best to protect her children and keeps them from being physically abused, the situation is still extremely damaging. If you or a loved one is in an abusive relationships, getting out is the best thing for protecting the children.
Alcohol and drug abuse. Living with an alcoholic or addict is very difficult for children and can easily lead to abuse and neglect. Parents who are drunk or high are unable to care for their children, make good parenting decisions, and control often-dangerous impulses. Substance abuse also commonly leads to physical abuse.
Untreated mental illness. Parents who suffering from depression, an anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, or another mental illness have trouble taking care of themselves, much less their children. A mentally ill or traumatized parent may be distant and withdrawn from his or her children, or quick to anger without understanding why. Treatment for the caregiver means better care for the children.
Lack of parenting skills. Some caregivers never learned the skills necessary for good parenting. Teen parents, for example, might have unrealistic expectations about how much care babies and small children need. Or parents who were themselves victims of child abuse may only know how to raise their children the way they were raised. In such cases, parenting classes, therapy, and caregiver support groups are great resources for learning better parenting skills.
Stress and lack of support. Parenting can be a very time-intensive, difficult job, especially if you’re raising children without support from family, friends, or the community or you’re dealing with relationship problems or financial difficulties. Caring for a child with a disability, special needs, or difficult behaviors is also a challenge. It’s important to get the support you need, so you are emotionally and physically able to support your child.

Recognizing abusive behavior in yourself
If you need professional help...

Do you feel angry and frustrated and don’t know where to turn? Find support and resources in your community that can help you break the cycle of abuse.

Do you see yourself in some of these descriptions, painful as it may be? Do you feel angry and frustrated and don’t know where to turn? Raising children is one of life’s greatest challenges and can trigger anger and frustration in the most even tempered. If you grew up in a household where screaming and shouting or violence was the norm, you may not know any other way to raise your kids.

Recognizing that you have a problem is the biggest step to getting help. If you yourself were raised in an abusive situation, that can be extremely difficult. Children experience their world as normal. It may have been normal in your family to be slapped or pushed for little to no reason, or that mother was too drunk to cook dinner. It may have been normal for your parents to call you stupid, clumsy, or worthless. Or it may have been normal to watch your mother get beaten up by your father.

It is only as adults that we have the perspective to step back and take a hard look at what is normal and what is abusive. Read the above sections on the types of abuse and warning signs. Do any of those ring a bell for you now? Or from when you were a child? The following is a list of warning signs that you may be crossing the line into abuse:
How do you know when you’ve crossed the line?
You can’t stop the anger. What starts as a swat on the backside may turn into multiple hits getting harder and harder. You may shake your child harder and harder and finally throw him or her down. You find yourself screaming louder and louder and can’t stop yourself.
You feel emotionally disconnected from your child. You may feel so overwhelmed that you don’t want anything to do with your child. Day after day, you just want to be left alone and for your child to be quiet.
Meeting the daily needs of your child seems impossible. While everyone struggles with balancing dressing, feeding, and getting kids to school or other activities, if you continually can’t manage to do it, it’s a sign that something might be wrong.
Other people have expressed concern. It may be easy to bristle at other people expressing concern. However, consider carefully what they have to say. Are the words coming from someone you normally respect and trust? Denial is not an uncommon reaction.

Breaking the cycle of child abuse

If you have a history of child abuse, having your own children can trigger strong memories and feelings that you may have repressed. This may happen when a child is born, or at later ages when you remember specific abuse to you. You may be shocked and overwhelmed by your anger, and feel like you can’t control it. But you can learn new ways to manage your emotions and break your old patterns.

Remember, you are the most important person in your child’s world. It’s worth the effort to make a change, and you don’t have to go it alone. Help and support are available.
Tips for changing your reactions
Learn what is age appropriate and what is not. Having realistic expectations of what children can handle at certain ages will help you avoid frustration and anger at normal child behavior. For example, newborns are not going to sleep through the night without a peep, and toddlers are not going to be able to sit quietly for extended periods of time.
Develop new parenting skills. While learning to control your emotions is critical, you also need a game plan of what you are going to do instead. Start by learning appropriate discipline techniques and how to set clear boundaries for your children. Parenting classes, books, and seminars are a way to get this information. You can also turn to other parents for tips and advice.
Take care of yourself. If you are not getting enough rest and support or you’re feeling overwhelmed, you are much more likely to succumb to anger. Sleep deprivation, common in parents of young children, adds to moodiness and irritability—exactly what you are trying to avoid.
Get professional help. Breaking the cycle of abuse can be very difficult if the patterns are strongly entrenched. If you can’t seem to stop yourself no matter how hard you try, it’s time to get help, be it therapy, parenting classes, or other interventions. Your children will thank you for it.
Learn how you can get your emotions under control. The first step to getting your emotions under control is realizing that they are there. If you were abused as a child, you may have an especially difficult time getting in touch with your range of emotions. You may have had to deny or repress them as a child, and now they spill out without your control.

Helping an abused or neglected child

What should you do if you suspect that a child has been abused? How do you approach him or her? Or what if a child comes to you? It’s normal to feel a little overwhelmed and confused in this situation. Child abuse is a difficult subject that can be hard to accept and even harder to talk about.

Just remember, you can make a tremendous difference in the life of an abused child, especially if you take steps to stop the abuse early. When talking with an abused child, the best thing you can provide is calm reassurance and unconditional support. Let your actions speak for you if you’re having trouble finding the words. Remember that talking about the abuse may be very difficult for the child. It’s your job to reassure the child and provide whatever help you can.
Tips for talking to an abused child
Avoid denial and remain calm. A common reaction to news as unpleasant and shocking as child abuse is denial. However, if you display denial to a child, or show shock or disgust at what they are saying, the child may be afraid to continue and will shut down. As hard as it may be, remain as calm and reassuring as you can.
Don’t interrogate. Let the child explain to you in his or her own words what happened, but don’t interrogate the child or ask leading questions. This may confuse and fluster the child and make it harder for them to continue their story.
Reassure the child that they did nothing wrong. It takes a lot for a child to come forward about abuse. Reassure him or her that you take what is said seriously, and that it is not the child’s fault.
Safety comes first. If you feel that your safety or the safety of the child would be threatened if you try to intervene, leave it to the professionals. You may be able to provide more support later after the initial professional intervention.

Reporting child abuse and neglect

If you suspect a child is being abused, it’s critical to get them the help he or she needs. Reporting child abuse seems so official. Many people are reluctant to get involved in other families’ lives.

Understanding some of the myths behind reporting may help put your mind at ease if you need to report child abuse

I don’t want to interfere in someone else’s family. The effects of child abuse are lifelong, affecting future relationships, self-esteem, and sadly putting even more children at risk of abuse as the cycle continues. Help break the cycle of child abuse.
What if I break up someone’s home? The priority in child protective services is keeping children in the home. A child abuse report does not mean a child is automatically removed from the home - unless the child is clearly in danger. Support such as parenting classes, anger management or other resources may be offered first to parents if safe for the child.
They will know it was me who called. Reporting is anonymous. In most states, you do not have to give your name when you report child abuse. The child abuser cannot find out who made the report of child abuse.
It won’t make a difference what I have to say. If you have a gut feeling that something is wrong, it is better to be safe than sorry. Even if you don’t see the whole picture, others may have noticed as well, and a pattern can help identify child abuse that might have otherwise slipped through the cracks.

13 September 2012

Jayakan Transformasi Najib, kata Tee Keat
April 01 2012 06:46 AM

KUALA LUMPUR : Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak harus memastikan siri program transformasi yang diperkenalkan oleh beliau benar- benar didokong bukan sahaja oleh rakyat tetapi juga oleh jemaah menteri dan jentera Barisan Nasional demi memacu negara ke depan,  kata bekas Presiden MCA, Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat.
Mantan Menteri Pengangkutan itu menegaskan penerimaan akar umbi dan pimpinan tertinggi kerajaan penting untuk memastikan segala pembaharuan yang mahu dilaksanakan oleh Najib berjaya dan tidak disabotaj sehingga menjejaskan peluang BN pada Pilihan Raya Umum (PRU) akan datang.

"Kita tak mahu orang hanya bersungguh- sungguh di depan Najib, tapi dibelakang mereka tidak melaksanakan misi perubahan. Saya pernah mengalami situasi ini. (Adalah) lebih teruk (jika) disabotaj oleh orang sendiri," katanya.

Tee Keat menerajui MCA, parti komponen kedua terbesar dalam BN ketika parti itu berdepan dengan krisis kepimpinan membabitkan Datuk Chua Soi Lek.

Belum cukup setahun memegang jawatan itu, Ong terpaksa berundur apabila tewas tipis dalam undi tidak percaya yang dibentangkan pada Mesyuarat Agung Luar Biasa (EGM), MCA pada Oktober 2009. Beliau terpaksa memberi laluan kepada Chua.   

Tee Keat yang dikenali sebagai pemimpin tegas dan bersih,  berkata siri pembaharuan yang mulakan oleh Najib terpaksa mengharungi pelbagai kekangan dan bantahan, khususnya daripada seteru politik yang menangguk di air keruh.

Apa pun,  Najib harus mengelak berulangnya situasi yang menyaksikan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi tidak mendapat sokongan jentera pentadbiran sehingga BN hilang majoriti dua pertiga di Parlimen pada pilihanraya umum 2008.

Selain itu, pembangkang turut menawan Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Kedah dan Perak selain mengekalkan Kelantan. Perak bagaimanapun kembali ke tangan BN apabila tiga Adun pembangkang meninggalkan pakatan itu.

"Pada zaman Pak Lah, BN pernah menang besar pada 2004 dan kemenangan itu yang terbesar dalam sejarah politik negara. Tapi malangnya pada tahun berikutnya, apa yang dijanjikan tidak dapat dikotakan disebabkan sebab- sebab tertentu. Jadi bagi saya, perkara itu telah berlaku dan kita patut jadikan ia sebagai ikhtibar," ujarnya dalam temubual eksklusif dengan

Mengulas mengenai sokongan kaum Cina terhadap BN yang menurun dengan mendadak pada PRU lalu,  Tee Keat yakin keadaan itu bersifat sementara.

BN mampu meraih semula sokongan itu tetapi harus melipat gandakan usahanya turun padang secara berterusan dan bukannya bermusim, ujar Ong yang masih menjadi Ahli Parlimen Pandan Jaya.

Ong menafikan persepsi kononnya pengundi Cina kini penyokong tegar pembangkang. Beliau merujuk kepada keputusan pilihanranraya pada tahun 1995, 1999 dan 2004 sebagai bukti BN masih mampu memperolehi sokongan masyarakat itu.   

"Kalau 3 penggal berturut-  turut masyarakat Cina bagi mandat pada BN begitu meyakinkan, saya rasa sokongan itu bukan bersifat kadang kala,"
Wacana Sinar Siri 11 - Mengapa Undi Melayu Pecah?

Tee Keat berkata sokongan pengundi Cina kepada pembangkang pada pilihanraya 2008 berpunca daripada kegagalan BN mengotakan janji-janji oleh kepimpinan lalu.

"Apa yang kita harapkan sangat (tidak kira apa kaum), bila berjanji kita harapkan ia ditepati. Jika tidak kita akan kecewa. Bila ada dakyah- dakyah dari parti lain yang meresap masuk, apa yang akan terjadi ?" jelas Ong.

Ong berkata kaum Cina beralih kepada pembangkang pada 2008 semata- mata kerana mahu melihat sistem pentadbiran, politik dan segala- galanya atas landasan yang betul.  

Beliau yakin Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak mampu meraih semula sokongan itu jika semua segmen dalam kerajaan dan Barisan Nasional memberikan sokongan padu kepada program-program transformasi yang dibawa oleh beliau.


26 August 2012

7 sex experiences you must try

RealBuzzRealBuzz – Wed 22 Feb, 2012 5:39 PM IST

Make-up sex

For some reason make-up sex is amazing. You’re angry, you’re fired up and you’re passionate – then it’s all forgotten and you’re jumping under the covers. Make-up sex is great because when you fight your testosterone levels rise, which makes the sex much more aggressive and intense. To make the most of this post-argument loving pull at each other’s hair and breathe heavily. Ladies, if you’ve got nails run them down your guy’s backs. Guys, you can gently bite your girl’s necks. Make sure you do these things softly first and build the aggression up though.

The stare game

Eye-locked lovers may make you want to barf, but bear with us guys – staring into each other’s eyes during sex can make your orgasms more powerful. Try to hold each other’s gaze for at least a minute, especially during the height of sex. This will make your orgasms more intense and you’ll feel intensely close to the other person. If you prefer rear entry positions then you can always put a mirror in the room and stare into one other’s eyes using the reflection. Ideally though, try to stick with face-to-face contact at least some of the time. 

7 sex experiences you must try

Food sex

If you’re a neat freak you may find food sex hard work. Your sheets will get messy, you’ll have food in your hair and you may be finding evidence of your night of passion for a few weeks after. The point is though that you loosen up and have fun. Food is very sensuous and it is often described using sexual words. Get creative with your choices – use foods with different textures, different shapes and different smells. Cream works particularly well, but you may end up throwing out your bed linen because the smell is hard to disguise.

Closet sex

Having sex in a tight space is novel, kinky and can be very, very hot. If you can handle the slightly claustrophobic environment and focus on the new angles you are forced to twist and curl into, then you’ll soon be turned on in a totally new way. The lack of space in a closet will mean that you have to try out new positions and the darkness and novelty of the situation will get you both really excited. Just remove anything of any value beforehand as it’s not an easy space to maneuver around in and accidents may happen.

Morning sex

Want to get your day started in the best possible way? Then have sex before breakfast. Although mornings may not be your favourite time to get foxy, those love-struck couples who have sex first thing feel more upbeat and benefit from a stronger immune system. Also your sex will be better.  Most guys feel more turned on in the mornings because their testosterone levels are at their highest at night. You will also be well rested and will therefore have sex for longer and try out some more energetic positions.

Machine sex

We all know that a vibrator is a girl’s best friend, but vibrations are good for guys too. To turn the heat up in your love life pay a visit to your washing machine or tumble dryer. To begin, turn the machine on. Then the girl should bend over at a right angle over the machine, with her stomach and upper body lying flat over the top of the appliance. The guy then takes her from behind and kneels into the machine. The vibrations will rock through you both, bringing blood to those all important areas and making them much more sensitive.

Alfresco sex

There is a reason that whilst you read this 84,000 people are having sex outside; it’s incredible. You feel bad and so your adrenaline levels rise, which makes the sex frantic, frisky and fun. Remember though that although going alfresco can be spontaneous, it often isn’t as easy as it seems in the movies. Prepare a little and pack some useful props: a blanket, some tissues and a brush. Be careful too, you can get in trouble if you get caught so maybe opt for a safer option and get it on in your garden or balcony. Read more on

15 August 2012

Pearls of WISDOM

Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj ibni Almarhum Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah (8th Feb 1903 – 6th Dec 1990)

The first Prime Minister of MALAYSIA
In office 31 August 1957 – 22 September 1970

Known as Bapa Kemerdekaan (Father of Independence) or Bapa Malaysia (Father of Malaysia).
"Negeri kita ini unik. Tidak ada 'isme' yang boleh diimport dari luar negeri. Kita kenalah tadbirkan negeri ini secara sendiri."

Our state is unique. There is no "ism" that can be imported from abroad. We'll have a self-administered state.

"Jika kita cuba hendak tiru mana-mana 'isme' dari negeri luar, maka sudah tentu tidak dapat diterima rakyat negeri ini."

if we try to imitate any other "ism" of foreign states, but there can not be accepted by the people of this state
"Semangat Kebangsaan hendaklah dijadikan baja bagi menyuburkan kemerdekaan yang kita capai."

National spirit should be the fertilizer for nourishing independence we have achieved

"...merdeka itu bukanlah suatu bendayang mudah boleh didapat, melainkan ialah dikehendaki untuk mendapatkannya itu iaitu pengorbanan yang sebenar pengorbanan."

independence is not an easy thing to achieve, but is required to get the real sacrifice of sacrifice

"Dengan kerananya kitaterpaksa mengorbankan, bukan sahaja wang ringgit dan usaha tenaga bahkan jiwa kita sendiri juga..."

With the benefit we had to sacrifice, not only money and effort even our own lives as well

Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein Al-Haj (11th Mar 1922 - 14th Jan 1976)

The second Prime Minister of MALAYSIA
In office 22nd Sept 1970 – 14th Jan 1976

Tun Razak was the Prime Minister responsible in setting up Barisan Nasional.He is also renowned for launching the Malaysian New Economic Policy (MNEP).
"...Hari Merdeka ialah hari Kebangsaan kita. Marilah kita membanggakan negara kita dan sentiasa berjaga-jaga supaya tidak dipengaruhi oleh fahaman Kebangsaan yang sempit. Jika fahaman Kebangsaan yang sempit itu dibiarkan hidup dengan perasaan yang meluap-luap maka sifat bertolak ansur dan tali persahabatan kita dengan negeri- negeri lain yang bebas akan terkecewa. Dengan yang demikian maka terganggulah keamanan dan ketenteraman dunia...."

.....Independence Day is our National. Let us be proud of our country and vigilant so that is not influenced by narrow national. If a narrow national ideology were left alive, feeling so expansive and tolerant nature of our ties with other states that are free to be frustrated. Thus it disturbed the peace and tranquility of the world ....

"Kita juga telah berjaya memberikan satu keperibadian yang sama kepada negara dengan menjadikan bahasa Malaysia sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan bahasa rasmi yang tunggal di negara ini dan usaha-usaha masih lagi dicari bagi menjadikan bahasa itu sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dengan erti kata yang sebenarnya."

We have also provided a similar character to the country by making the Malay language as the national and sole official language of the country and efforts are still looking to make the language as the national language with a real sense.

"Kita hendaklah mempunyai keyakinan kepada sains dan teknologi moden tanpa membelakangkan kewajipan- kewajipan kita sebagai manusia yang beriman."

We must have confidence in modern science and technology without having to give our obligations as a man of faith.
Tun Hussein bin Dato' Onn (12th Feb 1922—29th May 1990)

The third Prime Minister of MALAYSIA
In office 15th Jan 1976 – 16th July 1981

He was granted the soubriquet Bapa Perpaduan (Father of Unity)
"Seseorang pemimpin mestilah jujur. Kejujuran yang saya maksudkan, bukan sahaja dari segi sokongan yang diberikan kepada perjuangan parti, tetapi juga dalam pemikiran, pertimbangan dan tindakan.."

A leader must be honest. Honesty is what I mean, not only in terms of the support for the struggle, but also in thought, consideration and action ..

"Tanpa kejujuran yang tulin, seseorang pemimpin akan menggunakan jawatannya sebagai bahan dagangan untuk mencapai kedudukan, mencari pengaruh, nama dan membolot kekayaan. Ia akan menjadikan parti dan perjuangan sebagai topeng untuk memuaskan hawa nafsu. Ia akan mengambil kesempatan daripada sesuatu suasana atau krisis untuk menangguk di air keroh."

Without genuine honesty, a leader would use his position as the merchandise is to achieve, some influence, the name and the place of wealth. It will make the party and the struggle as a mask for self-indulgence. It will take advantage of a crisis situation or to fish in troubled waters

"Di zaman kursus kilat dan massa komunikasi moden, kebanyakan orang ramai, istimewa pemuda pemudi tidak begitu pandai menghiburkan diri sendiri dengan membaca buku. Tambahan lagi, di zaman ini orang sentiasa mencari jalan pendek untuk pandai. Sebenarnya, tamadun manusia di beberapa zaman dan di beberapa benua membuktikan bahawa kita hanya boleh mendapat pengetahuan dengan selalu membaca serta berfikir panjang dalam jangka masa yang lama. Tidak kursus kilat untuk menjadikan seseorang itu waras serta cerdik sekelip mata."

In this age of mass communication courses and modern flash, most of the public, not privileged youths entertaining themselves by reading books. Furthermore, in this era of constantly looking for good short cut. In fact, human civilization in a few days and in some regions to prove that we can only gain knowledge by always reading and thinking in a long time. Crammer not to make a sensible and intelligent flash.

"...Tuan-tuan sekelian, akhirnya sayasuka berpesan dan berharap semoga tuan-tuan dapat menunjukkan semangat keperwiraan dan taat setia yang tidak berbelah bagi pada setiap masa. Tuan-tuan hendaklah sentiasa berwaspada terhadap ancaman-ancaman yang hendak merosakkan ketenteraman dan kedaulatan negara. Di samping itu tuan tuan juga hendaklah sentiasa bersiap sedia untuk mempertahankan negara dan memberi perkhidmatan pada masa-masa kecemasan apabila dikehendaki oleh negara kita..."

Ladies and gentlemen, finally I would like to leave a message and hope that you gentlemen can show the spirit of heroism and unwavering loyalty to at all times. Ladies should always be vigilant against threats to destroy the peace and sovereignty. In addition, masters should stand ready to defend the country and serve in times of emergency when required by the country

Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (Born 10th July 1925)

The fourth Prime Minister of MALAYSIA
In office 16th July 1981 – 31st Oct 2003

For his efforts to promote the economic development of the country, Mahathir has been granted the soubriquet of Bapa Pemodenan (Father of Modernization)

Rising living standards, together with Dr. Mahathir's showpiece buildings and outspoken defence of Malaysia's interests, contributed to a sense of national identity, pride and confidence that had not existed before. He put Malaysia on the map, and most Malaysians were pleased about it.

Tun Dr Mahathir blog :

Chedet is Tun Mahathir's pen name 

"Kejayaan sesuatu negara itu bergantunglah kepada usaha tiap-tiap rakyat. Pengajaran yang kita dapati daripada negara-negara maju menunjukkan iaitu kemakmuran rakyat bergerak serentak dengan daya pengeluaran dan produktiviti mereka."

The success of a country depends on the efforts of every people. Lessons that we got from the advanced countries shows that the prosperity of the people in sync with productivity and productivity.

"Apakah maknanya simpati dan kesedihan kita, jika nikmat yang dirasai di negara sendiri tidak kita hargai."

What does it mean our sympathy and sorrow, if grace were felt in our own country are not appreciated.

"Amanah asas kejayaan dan berpeganglah kepada amanah setiap kali kita membuat sesuatu"

Trust foundation for the success and hold fast to trust every time we make anything

"Sesungguhnya bangsa yang berjaya ialah bangsa yang rajin dan sanggup menghadapi cabaran hidup."

Truly successful people are the people who work hard and willing to face the challenges of life

"Manusia yang lemah sekalipun jika bersatu padu akan dapat menggoncang dunia. Demikianlah kesannya perpaduan."

A weak man, if united will be able to shake the world. Thus the effect of unity

"Jangan diteliti sejarah negara sendiri sahaja. Hendaklah kita kaji sejarah semua tamadun di dunia ini. Apabila terdapat ketamakan, keutamaan kepada kepentingan diri daripada kepentingan ramai dan pandai mencari kesalahan orang lain sahaja dan lain-lain gejala, satu-satu masyarakat itu akan menjadi lemah dan akhirnya hancur, atau ia akan dijajah semula."

Do not studied the history of our own country only. We should study the history of all civilizations in the world. When there is greed, the priority of self-interest of the public interest and can only find fault with other people and other symptoms, a society will be weakened and eventually destroyed, or it will be colonized again

"Sepanjang sejarah manusia, proses ini berlaku. Ianya harus menjadi pelajaran kepada kita. Jangan kita mendewakan perpecahan, sebaliknya hendaklah kita menerapkan perpaduan semoga apa yang telah kita capai tidak akan hancur, bahkan kemajuan yang lebih tinggi dapat dicapai."

Throughout human history, this process occurs. It should be a lesson to us. Do not we eulogize the split, but should we adopt may unity what we have achieved would not be destroyed, even greater progress can be achieved

"Kemerdekaan sahaja tidak bermakna jika selepas merdeka negara tidak mencapai kemajuan. Sebab itulah setelah mencapai kemerdekaan Kerajaan Malaysia yang merdeka telah berusaha membangunkan negara. Usaha ini telah membawa hasil diluar jangkaan."

Independence alone does not mean that if after independence the country does not achieve progress. That is why after gaining independence the Government of Malaysia has been working to develop an independent country. This effort has brought unexpected results.

"Daripada sebuah tanah jajahan yang mundur, Malaysia sekarang muncul sebagai salah satu daripada negara yang termaju antara negara-negara membangun. Kemungkinan Malaysia menjadi lebih maju dan rakyat Malaysia hidup lebih selesa dan bahagia bukan lagi satu perkara yang mustahil."

From a backward colony, Malaysia has emerged as one of the most developed country among the developing countries. The possibility of a more developed Malaysia and Malaysians are more comfortable and happy life is no longer an impossible matter.

"...bukan kecil tugas kita; meneruskan perjuangan kemerdekaan kita; kerana rupanya selain kemerdekaan; mengisi kemerdekaan itu jauh lebih sengsara..."

...our task is not small; continue our struggle for independence; due to his independence as well; of the nation's far more miserable....

"Jelas rakyat dan negara kita amat bertuah. Maruah dan kedaulatan bangsa dan rakyat kita, dapat kita lindungi dan kita pertahankan. Inilah erti sebenar kemerdekaan di Malaysia."

clearly the citizens of our country is very fortunate. Dignity and sovereignty of the nation and our people, we can protect and defend us. This is the true meaning of independence in Malaysia

"Negara kita adalah tanggungjawab kita. Bukanlah kita angkuh dan anggap kita begitu pandai sehingga tidak perlu kepada orang lain. Kita sanggup belajar dari barat dan timur. Tetapi akhirnya yang akan memutus cara mana yang terbaik yang akan diamalkan atau dilaksanakan oleh kita mestilah kita sendiri."

Our country is our responsibility. We are not arrogant and think we are clever and he did not need to others. We are willing to learn from the west and east. But eventually that will decide the best way to be practiced or carried out by us must be our own.

"Keagungan sesuatu bangsa itu ditentukan oleh kepentingan yang diberikan kepada sejarah. Sejarah merupakan suatu khazanah yang amat bernilai."

The greatness of a nation is determined by the importance given to history. History is a valuable treasure.

"Sejarah adalah gedung pengalaman. Bangsa yang agung adalah bangsa yang menempuh sejarah dan yang mahu mempelajari dari sejarah. Sesuatu bangsa yang tidak mempelajari daripada sejarah akan terus melakukan kesalahan berkali-kali yang akan berakhir dengan keruntuhan bangsa itu. Daripada sejarah kita menghargai kehormatan diri kita."

History is a store of experience. Great nation is a nation that through history and who wish to learn from history. A nation that does not learn from history will continue to commit the offense again and again, which will end with the collapse of the nation. From history we value our dignity.

"Dunia moden adalah dunia perlumbaan. Yang malas akan ketinggalan. Cuma yang berusaha akan berjaya."

The modern world is the world race. The lazy will be left behind. But the effort will succeed.

"..Kita boleh mempunyai pendapat yang berbeza dalam politik negara, tetapi apabila kita berhadapan dengan kemungkinan orang lain cuba menjajah kita, kita patut rapatkan barisan, itulah makna patriotisma. Kita rapatkan barisan dan lupakan tentang perselisihan faham antara kita supaya dapat menumpukan kepada segala usaha untuk mempertahankan negara..."

.....We can have differences of opinion in politics, but when we are faced with the possibility of other people trying to invade us, we should close the line, that is the meaning of patriotism. We close ranks and forget about the misunderstanding between us in order to focus on efforts to defend the country......

Dato' Sri Haji Mohammad Najib bin Tun Haji Abdul Razak (born 23 July 1953)

The sixth Prime Minister of MALAYSIA
Assumed office 3rd April 2009

He is the son of Malaysia's second prime minister, Tun Abdul Razak and the nephew of Malaysia's third prime minister, Tun Hussein Onn.

Najib entered office as Prime Minister with a focus on domestic economic issues and political reform. On his first day as Prime Minister, Najib announced as his first actions the removal of bans on two opposition newspapers, Suara Keadilan and Harakahdaily, run by the opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim-led People's Justice Party and the Pan Islamic Party, respectively, and the release of 13 people held under the Internal Security Act. Among the released detainees were two ethnic Indian activists who were arrested in December 2007 for leading an anti-government campaign, three foreigners and eight suspected Islamic militants. Najib also pledged to conduct a comprehensive review of the much-criticized law which allows for indefinite detention without trial. In the speech, he emphasized his commitment to tackling poverty, restructuring Malaysian society, expanding access to quality education for all, and promoting renewed “passion for public service.” He also deferred and abandoned the digital television transition plan of all free-to-air broadcasters such as Radio Televisyen Malaysia.

1Malaysia is an on-going campaign announced by Prime Minister Najib Razak on 16 September 2008, calling for the cabinet, government agencies, and civil servants to emphasize ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance.The eight values of 1Malaysia as articulated by Najib Razak are perseverance, a culture of excellence, acceptance, loyalty, education, humility, integrity, and meritocracy

On 2 May 2009, Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak announced the government’s plan to develop a New Economic Model that will speed Malaysia's transition to a high income country. The plan will emphasise ways to increase the income and productivity of workers by encouraging knowledge industries and increasing investment from overseas.

Di wajah suci anak-anak ini kulihat sinar
Di hati murni mereka terpahat sebuah impian
Andai sengketa membelenggu sesama
Andai kerakusan menguasai kita
Ke manakah tumpah harapan mereka

Di bahu kitalah terpikul segunung amanah
Di jemala kita terjunjung selaut ikrar
Melunas sumpah, menunai janji

Rakan dan taulan, sahabat dan saingan
Lupakan beza lebuhkan menerima
Bertatihlah bersamaku
Kita berjalan seiringan, kita melangkah ke sehaluan
1 suara, 1 impian, 1 harapan, 1 Malaysia

In the face angelic children I see a ray
In their pure hearts etched a dream
Facing each other in case of disputes
If greed dominate our
Where spilled their expectations

It is precisely our backs on the shoulders of the mountain of trust
In our head terjunjung selaut pledge
Cover the oath, its promise

Friends and elders, friends and rivals
Forget the difference lebuhkan receive
Bertatihlah with me
We walk hand in hand, we look to the line
1 voice, 1 dream, 1 hope, 1 Malaysia

14 August 2012

Forgotten Etiquette

There are certain etiquette rules that people are meant to follow. In the past, these rules bound society together so that it was safe. But, it is safe to say that they have pretty much been forgotten today.

Men’s Wedding Clothing
The rule here is that you are getting married in the evening, you should wear a morning suit or a formal suit and not a tuxedo. In addition to that, you should give a tie to the men that are taking part in the wedding and make sure that the shade is similar to the one you will be wearing.

Opening The Door
Men are supposed to open the door for ladies- whether they know them or not. It was the done thing in the past but over the years, this etiquette rule has been pushed out. What’s more, women today seem to get embarrassed to start smirking if the man has enough sense to open the car or building door for her.

Writing Thank-you Notes
It is only decent to write a thank-you note after receiving a gift- no matter how close or distant the giver is. About 3 or 4 decades ago, parents made it a point to teach their children how to write these notes at a very early age. Today the very idea is laughed at.

It is Rude to Ask for Gifts
Today it is normal to receive weddings invitations that mention exactly what the bride would like to receive as a gift. This would be okay if she wanted cheap gifts but they tend to take advantage of the situation and ask for gifts that are worth at least a thousand dollars! Actually, it is never okay, so don’t do it.

Leaving at the Right Time
Guests are supposed to leave a party once the guest of honor (the oldest guest, basically) has left. People today come and go as they please- they decide to leave once they have had enough to drink at the open bar or when they catch a glimpse of the sunrise.

Arriving on Time
According to this etiquette rule, guests are supposed to arrive at the given time and not wait about at home till they are sure that they will either make a grand entrance or be fashionably late. In the olden times, if you arrived at a dinner part even 15 minutes late, you would be expected to eat in the kitchen with the staff and join the rest of the guests only when they were done eating.

Eating Together
Etiquette rules at the dinner table are happily ignored today. The family members are supposed to dress for the meal and eat only if everybody is at the dinner table.

Parental Unity
These rules should be followed by parents all around the world. Firstly, they should never argue in front of their children and they should never try to turn the child against the other. Secondly, if the child’s father tells him to do something, the mother must make sure that he goes through with it.

Discretion on the Street
In the past, if people were walking on the street, they would talk in hushed tones, dress well and refrain from doing anything that would could be termed as attention-seeking. Today people walk about practically in their underwear and scream on their mobile phones on their way to the grocery store.

Money Matters
A gentleman is not supposed to borrow cash from a lady, he should pay back the borrowed amount as soon as possible and he should not talk about money.

05 August 2012

Countries With Low Marriage Rates

How many of us wondered which countries have the most singles? This is your lucky day. If you go on vacation to one of the following countries, do look for someone there. You will likely find that someone.The survey was taken in 2011

This country in South America has 2.4 marriages per 1000 people living in the country. This is surprising since 70% of the country is urban.

This South American country has 2.8 marriages per 1000 people, according to 2006 statistics. All marriages must comply with laws in Venezuela.

Dominican Republic:
Dominican Republic had 2.8 marriages per 1000 people in its country. It does not stop tourists from getting married on the beach in the country and having a honeymoon there too. Many Americans also get a quickie divorce from the Dominican Republic

Georgia had 2.9 marriages per 1000 people in its country. This is the country that still widely operates bride kidnapping. The groom is able to kidnap the woman he wants and marries her.

Saudi Arabia:
Saudi Arabia had 2.9 marriages per 1000 people in its country. This is in a country where arranged marriage is popular. Traditionally arranged marriages take place between families which know one another and believe their children would be compatible.

According to 2007 statistics, there were 3.2 marriages per 1000 people in Slovenia. They have the lowest marriage and divorce rates in EU. For every 6,373 marriages in Slovenia in the year 2007, 2,617 got divorced.

There are 3.2 marriages per 1000 people in this oil rich country. Many are opting for single life and/or life as common laws.

Marriage is quite low in this country which allows Spanish and French citizens. 3.6 out of 1000 people get married, according to 2010 statistics. Divorces are outlawed in the country.

According to the 2002 Economist statistics, there are 4.7 marriages for every 1000 people.

2005 Statistics found that 4 out of 1000 people get married in UAE. The highest rates are in the AlAin region and vary amongst the 3 regions

Reasons not to get married

Surveying 100 people, here are the top reasons why people choose not to get married. Do you feel the same way? Share your feelings.

Isolation can lead a person into a speedy marriage.
A speedy marriage is not a solution to many problems. Some feel they are even more bored and lonely and will not want to be married.

Less Stress.
Some believe that marriage causes stress and that living a single life can increase your chances of living a longer life.

Many people just do not have enough funds to get married.
A wedding costs around $30-75,000 to prepare. They thus wait or live as common-law.

Some people love living on their own and cherish their alone time.
They simple are not ready to commit to a relationship and sharing with another person their lifestyles.

Previous marriages and divorce discourages others from remarrying.
The whole idea of soul mates and till death do we part has been shredded to pieces. Many have also come from abusive homes and are not yet trusting of another person in their lives.

No one snores.
My friend gave me this as an excuse: no one snores. He has a problem with the other person snoring. I believe that is partly the reason for not marrying.

Expenses are doubled once you marry.
Birthdays,Valentines Day, Gifts, Anniversaries etc. Some people cannot and do not want to think about this. Many think they will be in bigger debts while married.

No need to worry about food items that you buy.
Many people who are single just buy and eat the foods they like. When married, they have to make concessions.

Some people just have a hard time sharing.
My philosophy is that sharing is caring. If you cannot share or care, your actions are speaking louder than words.

Partying, social life is more important.
One of my friends does not want to get married yet. She wants to enjoy single life. She wants to travel, hangout and party. She is almost 27 and said she would not marry until 30.

Best Selling Books

Let us have a look at the compilation of the bestselling books of all time based on the combined sales of all the editions of the books covered in the list.

The Bible
Author- many contributed; 2.5-6 billion copies sold (inconclusive)
Although we may not be able to get material evidence to ascertain the exact number of copies sold, The Bible is easily the most widely read Book of the human race. When the Printing Press was first invented during the Renaissance, the Bible was the first to be printed.

Quotations from the Works of Mao Tse-Tung
Author- Mao Tse-tung; 800 million copies sold
It is also known as The Red Book. Its claim to second spot in the circle of 10 most popular books is mainly due to the large population of its captive readership.

A Tale of Two Cities

Author-Charles Dickens-200 million copies sold
The book is set in Paris and London before and during the French Revolution. It also examines the strife of Third Estate against the aristocracy.

Lord of the Rings

Author: J.R.R. Tolken-150 million copies sold
The books are high fantasy epics that are beloved 50 years later by fans all around the world. It is a continuation of the Hobbit which was another fantasy novel written by the same author.

The Guinness Book of Records

Author- unknown; 115 million copies sold
This bestseller made it to the top because of our penchant for the outrageous and even the bizarre extremes. If you care to learn about the largest ball of ear wax then this book should be on your bookshelf.

American Spelling Book
Author- Noah Webster; 100 million copies sold
This bestseller is an American classic and is the most popular tool of many Americans in honing up their spelling skills. Most Americans give their two thumbs up to this classic bestseller.

The Hobbit

Author-J.R.R. Tolken; 100 million copies sold
This work of fantasy fiction was a predecessor to the Lord of the Rings written by the same author. It was nominated for the Carnegie Medal and won the award from the New York Times Tribune.

The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe

Author-C.S. Lewis-85 million copies sold
It was ranked by Times as one of 100 Best English Language Novels from 1923 to 2005. The book was published in 47 languages and surrounds the story of a family torn by war in London (WWII).

World Almanac

Author- unknown; 80 million copies sold
This book has become one of regular fixture of book collection of the typical American family and is a ready reference for a quick look at important facts and figures of countries around the globe.

The Davinci Code

Author: Dan Brown; 80 million (2009)
This book was eventually adapted into a movie starring Tom Hanks. It really put conspiracy theories to the test on Davinci and the meaning of his paintings. You’ll never look at each painting with the same eye and the same look after reading this book. It has been translated into 44 languages

24 July 2012

Fastest Trains in the World

There are trains which are the fastest. Some of them are noted because they are the largest. Some trains do not fall into any of these categories but are known to carry the largest number of passengers. Newer versions of such super fast trains have started making their appearance around the length and breadth of several countries. They have made travel faster and easier for human beings. The following is the list of the fastest trains in the world!

The CRH2 is a modified E 2-1000 series Shinkansen design and is one among the fastest train models in China. It is also the second Shinkansen model of train that was exported. The other one was the 700T series.
The Taiwan High Speed Rail is roughly 335.50 kms and runs along the west coast of Taiwan. It runs to Kaohsiung city from Taipei City and is said to have started its operation on January 5, 2007.
South Korea’s high-speed rail system, the Korea Train eXpress (KTX) is operated by Korail. It has a high speed of 350km/hr and its technology is based on the French TGV system. Its speed can be limited to 300 km/h for safety during normal service. This super fast train reached a great speed of 352.4 kms per hour on December 16, 2004.
A network of super fast trains connects Honshu in Japan with other major cities. It also connects Fukuoka on the island of Kyushu and Tokyo. The super fast trains of Japan are known as shinkansen. These trains of bullet types are run by Japan Railways.
AVE is an abbreviation for Alta Velocidad EspaƱola meaning High Speed. It can also imply bird in Spanish. Ave is a network of high speed trains that operate at speeds of up to 300 km/h and connects all important towns and cities in Spain.
A high speed train service in Western Europe, Eurostar connects London and Kent in the United Kingdom, with Brussels in Belgium and Paris and Lille in France. There are also seasonal trains to France and limited services to Disneyland Resort Paris.
A high speed train service of France, the TGV rail service was developed by the French national rail operator, SNCF and GEC-Alsthom (now Alstom). The TGV rail network connects Paris with other important cities of France and also nearby countries.
This is an older version of the maglev Shinkansen and it ran at a speed of 320 mph (515 km/h) in 1990. This was a fastest train in Japan during the 1990’s.
The TR-07 was a German maglev train which ran from Hamburg reaching a speed of 270.3 mph in 1989. Its noise level was very much reduced owing to the engine design. Transrapid is a German monorail which is presently amongst the quickest of all the trains in the world. It is run by magnetic levitation. During its trial, the train was able to reach speed upto 450 km/hour. The newer and latest versions even reach a speed of over 500 km/hour.
The MLU001 was a Japanese Maglev Train which ran at a speed of 248.9 mph (400.4 km/h) in 1987. This marked the way for other super fast trains that made its appearance in the 1990’s and 2000’s.